Sartorially Challenged: Blog Feature ☸

Hello! Got to interview the lovely Nina Pineda! (Can you say lucky?) Anyways, who is Nina? She's just one of the youngest bloggers in the fashion world, not to even mention the world itself! ;) She's pretty cool, and awesome too. Thanks for the interview Nina! (Watch out for the next feature too!) So without further ado, here's an interview! (That rhymed!)

1. Tell us a bit about yourself. What made you start blogging?

I started blogging around seven or eight. A lot of my online friends were doing it, and I sucked absolute balls at it. I kept moving blog urls until getting my first domain at around eleven years old.
2. Now about your blog. What is the content of your blog? What's it about? What makes it unique? 

I think I like how you can't contain my blog under one label. It's not entirely fashion, but it's not exactly too personal either. It's a mix of everything that interests me and things I want to share with the world.

3. Who were/are your inspirations?

My mom. That's all.

4. What do you think makes a blogger? 

Someone with internet access and the capability to write properly. That's it.

5. Any message or something else to the readers out there?

Thanks for all the support. I appreciate it!

Make sure to visit her blog, Sartorially Challenged! :)